Without The Moon, Would There Be Life On Earth?

  • 6 years ago
Would you, me and every other living creature on our planet exist if the Moon hadnt formed? Watch this video and find out!\r
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Script -\r
4.5 billion years ago, an event occurred that changed our planet forever. An object named Theia, about the size of Mars smashed into the young Earth. Theia was partially absorbed by Earth, but a large amount of its debris was thrown out into space. The gravitational force of our planet eventually pulled the debris into orbit and the fragments of the collision begun to gather together. As these clumps of rock grouped, eventually the Moon was formed.This is the leading and most excepted theory on how the moon came to be and is called the Giant Imp Hypothesis.\r
So What would of happened if that giant collision never occurred? If the moon that we see shining above us in the glistening nights sky wasnt there? Could life on Earth be as vibrant and as diverse as we see today? Would we, the human race even exist?\r
Without the moon, the earth would be a wildly different place, back then because of the earths fast rotation, a day would only of lasted about 5 hours, compared to the current 24 hours caused by the gravitation force both the earth and the moon exert on each other.This faster rotation would cause winds of up to 200 mph to sweep the Earths surface and bigger violent storms would rage in the sky.The Earths tilt would also wobble without the moon to stabilise it, taking away its current predictable, fairly constant climate and seasons. This wobble would cause erratic changes in temperature over thousands of years and different regions would be blasted by heat then covered by ice again. Also the tides we see today, would be dramatically reduced, they would be much smaller, caused only by the sun.But even with these extreme conditions, It is still believed that life of some sort would exist, capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, high winds, small tides and short days. However these life forms, would more than likely be very different to what we have the pleasure of witnessing today. Evolution is a long process, and the smallest of changes in the environment can dramatically alter its course, which might cause Bizarre, almost alien like creatures to arise. Berial life can adapt quickly, however complex life forms like humans probably would struggle, as they wouldnt have enough time to evolve and survive the dramatic unforgiving changes in the environment. But if complex life did find away to survive earths hostile surface, evolution might favour short stumpy creatures, because if they stood tall, they would struggle to bare the extreme winds. Constant gale like conditions would make it very loud, creatures would have to communicate in different ways for example colour changes or some sort of limb language. They might of used the strong winds as a method of travel and adaptations could cause some sort sail allowing them to glide though the air. Plant life would also struggle with the high winds and storms, they would have to be short with long routes, ensuring they are not ripped out. The hugely animal populated Jungles and forests wouldnt exist, meaning that creatures couldnt live in trees or be shielded in thick vegetation from the storms.Obviously there isnt any way of knowing what might of been, life might not of ever sparked or it might of found away of adapting perfectly to the moonless Earth that we would consider as hell. But lucky enough for us, a mars sized object did collide with earth and as a result, helped give us the conditions for life to flourish across the entire planet. \r
Attributes - \r
3DOcean - Desert Scorpion animations cycles- Cremuss (Vimeo)\r
KSCVC Rotating Earth-Jeffrey Conway\r
The Full Moon rising in San Jose -William Phelps\r
Wind Sound Effect - Diangelo\r
Music - \r
Epic Unease - Incomptech\r
Phantom From Space - Incomptech\r
Outro - Hurry Up - Incomptech\r
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r
