• 7 years ago
Washing color laundry with white laundry can be a disaster if we dont take necesary precautions. Using some apple cidar vinegar in\r
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the wash keeps dark color clothing from running on to any white; or,\r
lighter color clothing. Cidar vinegar is also a great addition to the rinse cycle. The vinegar will ensure that any extra detergent is removed from the clothing to protect sensitive skin from being affected by deterngent that may be left within the clothing. This may be important for children. If you do get colors running onto your white clothes, you can get the color out; with Rit companys Color Remover. Ive used this and it does, get the pink out! You can soak it in a bucket or use it directly in the washing machine! \r
~~~Nancy Gurish \r
Your Health And Tech Friend\r
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~ Life And More ~\r
Homemade HE Laundry Detergent Recipe\r
Laundry Detergent is an easy switch from store bought to homemade, and DIY alternatives are often just as effective and much less expensive.\r
Learn more:\r
Convincing Reasons to use White Vinegar in the Wash\r
1.) It brightens. If youre looking for a gentler alternative to color-safe bleach, white vinegar is your answer. It helps keep your colors bright without the risk of lifting dye.\r
4 Natural Ways to Keep Colors Bright\r
by Kristen Hudson\r
- Organic Authority\r
Add one cup of white vinegar to a load during the rinse cycle. Vinegar helps “set” colors and prevents build-up of detergent residue, which contributes to color fading. Plus, its a natural clothing softener.\r
Read at:\r
Prevent Color Fading\r
We all hate it when our dark clothes get lighter and lighter with each wash but by adding a little vinegar to each load .\r
Read more at: \r
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staying healthy through natural means,styainghealthythroughnaturalmeans,a cosmetologist who is interested in staying healthy through natural means,acosmetologistwhoisinterestedinstayinghealthythroughnaturalmeans, nancygurish,yourhealthanddtechfriend, vinegar for keeping color clothes safe,save colors in the washing machine with vinegar,\r
dont let colors run onto white clothing,washing machine laundry suggestions benefits and uses of vinegar for the laundry,nancy gurish talks about using vinegar as a laundry aid,staying healthy through natural means,


