• 7 years ago
Its really not a good idea to be up there.. Here, I list 5 Unmarked Locations in Fallout 4. A lot of these can seem like secret locations because of where theyre situated. Obviously, Fallout 4 secrets are very intriguing - from things like hidden locations, unmarked quests, and disturbing theories. I didnt find any secret weapons or secret armor from these, but theyre out there. There certainly are hidden quests, maybe a secret room you didnt before see. And looking for hidden loot is always fun.\r
Since Im on ps4, I can only admire Fallout 4 new mods from afar, and the best mods. I love the companion mods - they would absolutely make your Fallout 4 new charer builds more exciting. Or searching for more hidden locations, or that hard-to-achieve secret ending.\r
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