• 6 years ago
From cleaning up the aftermath of crime scenes to enduring the daily tasks of being a parent, here are the 13 Dirtiest Filthiest Jobs.\r
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5 - Janitor/Vomit Collector\r
Though technically two separate occupations, janitors often dispose of vomit and speciality puke collectors are a subcategory of custodians, therefore, for this list, these two nauseating jobs have fused together to become one ultra nasty stomach churning profession. Janitors clean and care for the maintenance of buildings, mostly hospitals, schools, apartment complexes and offices, their tasks are typically disgusting, hospitals can get especially messy, patients can vomit, bleed, piss and leak pus. Schools have their share of messes to be cleaned, kids get sick or injure themselves and can be very selfish often throwing garbage anywhere and tossing food at each other in epic cafeteria battles. As to vomit collectors, they are most commonly employed by amusement parks and go from rollercoaster to scary ride to roller coaster to pick up the residue from terrified ride goers who lose their lunch mid-ride. \r
4 - Manual Scavenging\r
This horrid job was once the only way to remove excrement, however, the science of sanitation has helped make this process much more manageable. Unfortunately, in some areas of the world, this disgusting job of raw untreated excrement removal is still commonplace. India had to go so far as to ban the process in 1993, yet this dirty occupation continues to be prevalent. Using brooms, tin plates and buckets this grimy work is carried out by hand, typically with no protective gear as men and women with no other way to survive are forced to empty dry toilets such as bucket toilets or pit latrines in order to feed their families. The new Census of India discovered 794,000 cases of manual scavenging across India.\r
3 - Hazmat Diver\r
This dangerous as well as disgusting profession involves diving into raw sewage or dangerous chemicals such as paper pulp, liquid cement or oil sludge and removing clogs or jams and sometimes the waste itself. Maintenance of underwater filtration systems, damaged pipelines, pollution control spills, landfill pump contamination, septic tank repair and sewer valve replacement can all be severally hazardous. Sewer diving is considered to be one of the most dangerous of all Hazmat diving as there are many filthy diseases lurking in raw sewage, there are also health threats like hypodermic needles and broken glass. Hazmat divers also get called in for missing person reports, often pulling out newly discovered corpses from contaminated rivers and hazardous swamps. \r
2 - Embalmer\r
Once someone dies, many religions involve a funeral proceeding in their honour so their loved ones can give them a proper send-off, an embalmer gets the deceased body ready for viewing this one final time. There are many super gross features to this highly vomit inducing profession involves leaking body fluids, sagging deteriorated skin, expulsion of gas and excrement, unseemly undead erections and rotting flesh and gums. There careful part doctor part scientists workers remove all the blood from the vacant body and replace it with embalming fluid to preserve the withered shell a while longer, this chemical compound is highly toxic. \r
1 - Parent \r
First of all, most jobs if you dont like them or they get too disgusting, you can just quit, this gig lasts a full lifetime, and the first few years are the hardest and easily the most revolting, plus its a 24 hour a day job, no breaks, including naps allowed. There is the process of changing diapers, plus most kids learn how to escape from their cloth confines and this can get very messy indeed. Babies will vomit on the drop of a hat, most of the time when you are attempting to feed them. If you dont ever want to stand a chance of tasting vomit, you may want to consider a pet rather than a baby. Bathing babies, especially wayward children who find their way into all manner of nasty filthy situations can make for really gross and painstaking cleanup battles. There are head lice to deal with, sicknesses and diseases to fight against, blood stained injuries, uncontrollable bladders like bed wetting, a constant supply of spit and drool and so much more yucky icky repulsive things to deal with in what many find to be the dirtiest and hardest job ever.


