Tumultuous week in North Korean diplomacy brings possible progress to U.S. summit talks

  • 6 years ago
남북미, 반전과 파격의 2박3일... 향후 관전 포인트는? - 우정엽 박사 대담

To discuss the tumultuous events on Korean peninsula over the last few days, joining us in the studio is Dr. Woo Jung-yeop from the Sejong Institute. Dr. Woo thank you for joining us.

My pleasure.

1 - It's been an extraordinary few days. The North Korea-U.S. summit was on again, then off again, and now it does look like it will happen. What has been your reaction the series of events over the last few days?

2 - The most surprising event over the weekend was President Moon's secret visit to the border village of Panmunjom to meet with Kim Jong-un. It was a very bold move. What do you think of his decision to do this?

3 - A U.S. delegation went to the border village of Panmunjom to meet with their North Korean counterparts and discuss the details of the summit. It seems to be a significant step-up in preparations for the North Korea-U.S. summit. How important are meetings like this and what do you think they will be covering?

4 - There are expected to be more meetings because there is still much to arrange. Do you there will be high-level talks, such as with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Senior North Korean official Kim Yong-chol?

5 - Trump once again on Twitter said, "I truly believe North Korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial Nation one day. Kim Jong-un agrees with me on this. It will happen " There are some who think this continued emphasis on economic prosperity suggests Trump is getting ready to give economic incentives and packages to North Korea. What do you think?

6 - In North Korean state media reports of the inter-Korean summit over the weekend, it mentioned for the first time the date of the U.S. summit -- June 12th in Singapore. Is there any significance in that? (Does it publicly cement the summit in North Korea as well?)

7 - President Moon Jae-in revealed after his summit with Kim Jong-un that one of the north's primary concerns was the U.S. guaranteeing North Korea's security after denuclearization. What assurances can Trump give?

8 - Moon declined to comment on whether Kim would promise complete denuclearization, saying it's an issue that North Korea and the U.S. have to resolve themselves. But the question is, is it possible for this to be resolved?

9 - After this weekend's events, the possibility of a trilateral summit between South Korea, North Korea and the U.S. is becoming more likely. The topic of such a meeting would likely be on agreeing on an official peace treaty. Do you think that could happen?

10 - Where does China now fit in all this? President Moon has talked about the two Koreas and the U.S. being the main players on the road towards a peace regime but doesn't China also need to have a say in this?

11 - China has offered their support for the North Korea-U.S. summit, but their role in the situation seems somewhat sidelined, despite Trump complaining that he suspects President