3D Printed Centrifugal Puzzle Box - adding a new spin to puzzle boxes.

  • 6 years ago
Available Here: \r
Centrifugal Puzzle Box - This is a unique one of a kind 3D printed puzzle box that can store anything with dimensions of less than 39x39x13mm that is opened/solved in an intriguing way, by simply spinning the puzzle box on a flat surface will unlock the lid, however this is not that obvious: \r
On the lid of the box are six sliders of different shapes, these can slide along rails in the lid, there are also three buttons that can be pressed and released, however dont be fooled, these sliders and buttons have absolutely no purpose at all in helping solve the puzzle and open the box, these sliders and buttons are simply a distrion to confuse the user. \r
There is one clue towards the solution of opening this puzzle box for the user, firstly, you may have notice the numbers around the top face of the lid, these are ually coded in the format of A=1 B=2 C=3 and ually decode clockwise starting from the number after the small circle to read give-me-a-rapid-spin-to-unlock-my-lid, this may seem hard to notice, and it is, however I have designed an optional additional clue towards finding this clue: I have created a 3D printed keyring (sold separately) which contains embedded within it, using a special wax, a QR code and the word CLUE above it (just to make it that bit more obvious), if the user is stuck they can choose to reveal this clue by using an IOS device with a camera (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch 4g) to read the QR code by using a barcode reader application (tested with an app called Scan) reveal the text A=1 B=2 C=3 on the devices display which should help the user decode the message on the puzzles lid helping them to solve the puzzle and open the lid.\r
The Mechanism -The mechanism used inside this puzzle box is a unique one and is best described in this video, there are six 6mm ball bearings (not included) placed in the slots around the top face of the bottom half of the box, these ball bearings can move freely in their short channels, the lid has corresponding loops that lower into these channels when the lid is placed on. Once the lid is placed on and the box is given a shake, the ball bearings should all be at random points in their channels, some will be across these loops in the lid which will stop that loop from being pulled out thus stopping the lid being pulled off thus locking the puzzle. When the puzzle is spun, all the ball bearings travel to the outside of their channel so none are obscuring the loops in the lid meaning the lid can now be freely removed thus unlocking the puzzle.\r
Please note that six 6mm ball bearings are required for this puzzle to work, they can be purchased very cheaply on eBay\r
Available Here:


