Moment drowning dog rescued from canal by passing ferry boat

  • 6 years ago
This was the heartwarming moment the driver of a passing ferry boat stopped to rescue a dog struggling in the water.

The hapless stray pooch was struggling to stay afloat after it plunged into the canal in Bangkok, Thailand, on May 21 at 1.30pm.

Luckily the driver of a passenger boat packed with commuters spotted the mutt and glided over to save it.

The terrified dog initially swam away but after several minutes was coaxed near enough to the boat for the conductor to grab his neck and haul him aboard.

Passengers cheered as the soaking wet dog - coat dirtied by the filthy water - was rescued and given a seat on the barge.

Onlooker Wan Jiripat said: ''He was given a blanket and sat very calmly for the rest of the journey.

"He was taken back to dry land and given a bowl of water and his dinner.''
