金銀蛋浸菠菜 - 點溝馮小姐 Gold and Silver Egg Spinach - Hooking Up

  • 6 years ago
A common home-style Cantonese dish, with a little twist at the end. Ill also be talking about how I approached Ms.Fung.\r
If you like this vid, click like and subscribe to my channel. Cheers.\r
菠菜1斤/600g of spinach\r
蒜頭5個/cloves of garlic\r
薑2片/slices of ginger\r
鹹蛋2只/salted duck egg\r
皮蛋2只/thousand years egg\r
雞湯500毫升/ml of chicken stock\r
鹽1茶匙/tsp of salt\r
白蘿蔔半條/half a Chinese radish\r
水200毫升/ml of water\r
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