• 7 years ago
Ariel is a curious young mermaid. She likes to explore sunken ships, swim up to the surface, and learn all she can about the world above the sea. Girls ages 2–5 will love finding out what happens when this Disney Princess falls in love with a human in the full-color Little Golden Book retelling of Disney The Little Mermaid, releasing on Diamond Edition DVD and Blu-ray October new!\r
This is how Little Mermaid by Disney is called in other countries: \r
Arabic: \r
كتاب ديزني حورية البحر قليلاً\r
Chinese Simplified: \r
Chinese Traditional: \r
Czech: \r
Malá mořská víla kniha Disney\r
French: \r
Petit livre de sirène de Disney\r
Greek: \r
Μικρή γοργόνα βιβλίο από Disney\r
Italian: \r
Little Mermaid libro di Disney\r
Japanese: \r
Polish: \r
Mała syrenka książki przez Disney\r
Portuguese: \r
Pequena sereia livro pela Disney\r
Russian: \r
Маленькая книга Русалочка Дисней\r
Slovak: \r
Malá morská víla knihy Disney\r
Spanish: \r
Pequeño libro de sirena por Disney\r
Turkish: \r
Küçük deniz kızı kitabı Disney tarafından\r
Little Mermaid Disney Princess Book on Amazon:\r


