Watercolor lettering using a light pad.\r
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Videos featured at end of this video:\r
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2 - \r
Sometimes I create a pencil sketch of a lettering design and then use a light pad to “trace” the design and do the final lettering. This is a great way to eliminate trapped pencil lines under watercolor.\r
• ----- • L I N K S • ----- •\r
C A R D . B L O G : \r
L I F E S T Y L E . B L O G : \r
T W I T T E R : \r
F A C E B O O K: \r
I N S T A G R A M : \r
P I N T E R E S T : \r
• ----- • S U P P L I E S • ----- •\r
• Dr. Ph. Martins Radiant Concentrated Water Color, Juniper Green —— \r
• Dr. Ph. Martins Radiant Concentrated Water Color (Set A) —— \r
• Pentel Aquash Water Brush, Small Brush —— \r
• Pentel Aquash Water Brushes (Assorted Sizes), Pack of 3 —— \r
• Huion LED Light Pad —— \r
• 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape —— \r
• Strathmore Ready-Cut Cold Press Watercolor paper, 5x7 —— \r
• Sakura Arch Foam Eraser 60 —— \r
• Uni Kuru Toga Mechanical Pencil - 0.5 mm - Disney Mickey Glove —— \r
• Jack Richeson 5-Round and 5-Slant Porcelain Palette Mixing Tray —— \r
• ----- • M A I L . C A L L • ----- •\r
Send me your cards and they might be featured in an upcoming video! **** Please mark the month your card is for on the outside of the envelope. Only one card per person per month, please. ****\r
February 2016 Theme:\r
Blue, Aqua, or Turquoise Cards\r
Due February 29, 2016\r
March 2016 Theme:\r
Cards with animals\r
Due March 31, 2016\r
Kristina Werner\r
770 E. Main St. #143\r
Lehi, UT 84043\r
You can send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your card(s) returned. :)\r
• ----- • D I S C L A I M E R • ----- •\r
Some product is provided by manufurers for review and use. Affiliate links used where possible.
Subscribe for more videos: \r
Blog post with links to products used: \r
Manicure details: \r
Videos featured at end of this video:\r
1 - \r
2 - \r
Sometimes I create a pencil sketch of a lettering design and then use a light pad to “trace” the design and do the final lettering. This is a great way to eliminate trapped pencil lines under watercolor.\r
• ----- • L I N K S • ----- •\r
C A R D . B L O G : \r
L I F E S T Y L E . B L O G : \r
T W I T T E R : \r
F A C E B O O K: \r
I N S T A G R A M : \r
P I N T E R E S T : \r
• ----- • S U P P L I E S • ----- •\r
• Dr. Ph. Martins Radiant Concentrated Water Color, Juniper Green —— \r
• Dr. Ph. Martins Radiant Concentrated Water Color (Set A) —— \r
• Pentel Aquash Water Brush, Small Brush —— \r
• Pentel Aquash Water Brushes (Assorted Sizes), Pack of 3 —— \r
• Huion LED Light Pad —— \r
• 3M Scotch Blue Masking Tape —— \r
• Strathmore Ready-Cut Cold Press Watercolor paper, 5x7 —— \r
• Sakura Arch Foam Eraser 60 —— \r
• Uni Kuru Toga Mechanical Pencil - 0.5 mm - Disney Mickey Glove —— \r
• Jack Richeson 5-Round and 5-Slant Porcelain Palette Mixing Tray —— \r
• ----- • M A I L . C A L L • ----- •\r
Send me your cards and they might be featured in an upcoming video! **** Please mark the month your card is for on the outside of the envelope. Only one card per person per month, please. ****\r
February 2016 Theme:\r
Blue, Aqua, or Turquoise Cards\r
Due February 29, 2016\r
March 2016 Theme:\r
Cards with animals\r
Due March 31, 2016\r
Kristina Werner\r
770 E. Main St. #143\r
Lehi, UT 84043\r
You can send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your card(s) returned. :)\r
• ----- • D I S C L A I M E R • ----- •\r
Some product is provided by manufurers for review and use. Affiliate links used where possible.
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