6 Signs Hes Just Not That Into You

  • il y a 6 ans
Have you ever been “into” a guy, but wondered whether or not hes “into” you?\r
In my experience, what most women do is spend 1,287,907 hours talking about it with their friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, roommates…you name it, theyve all heard about this guy.\r
Ill teach you how to meet the right guy - watch this video: \r
And lesson #1 is the following: if youre spending this much time analyzing where a guy likes you, then chances are…he probably doesnt.\r
The harsh reality of dating is that most women waste so much of their emotional energy on men who are really just not that into them.\r
And you know what?\r
Thats OK. Its a mismatch. You two arent meant to be.\r
So move on and find a guy that meets all of your standards and IS REALLY into you.\r
Watch the video below to learn the 6 signs a guys just not that into you:


