• il y a 7 ans
Welcome New CJBs, Welcome Back CharisJoyBeauties!\r
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Coupon Code: slay\r
HAIR: charisjoybeautyhair.mprsite.com\r
Coupon Code: bundles\r
Products Used:\r
*The Cut Buddy: (Purchase Here!) charisjoybeautyhair.mprsite.com\r
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Thank you all so much for supporting me through my hair journey, cosmetics journey and my youtube videos!!!\r
*CharisJoy is the first and middle name of the founder/owner of CharisJoyBeautyHair Extensions, and Cosmetics. new she lost her Father of Cancer and she realized that her father didnt see how beautiful he was visually because his appearance on the outside had changed. Her goal was to make people feel beautiful and empowered no matter how theyve changed. Her Mother always taught her to pray no matter what and work hard and she has continued to follow the legacy her parents have given her. Thank you for helping support the goal of beautiful people and purchasing bundles from .


