HEY MONSTER (SEA) -HOW TO CATCH SUICUNE (COMO CAPTURAR O SUICUNE) TUTORIAL/MONSTER PARK Aqui vai um pequeno guia de como se capturar o Suicune, vá para a Rota 14, tenha o Raichy e o Scizor, paralise o Entei com o Thunder Wave, e use o false swipe do Scizor para deixar o Suicune com 1 de HP, depois fique jogando Ultra balls, normalmente custa umas 20 para captura-lo, vale lembrar que ele é super raro de se encontrar, você pode chegar a gastar uns 200, ou 300 de SP (espécie de energia) até encontrar ele.\r
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Here is a quick guide on how to catch Suicune, GO to route 14, have a Raichu with Thunder Wave, and a Scizor with False Swipe, paralyze Suicune and Use False Swipe to take him down to 1 HP, and then Keep using Ultra Balls, it usually takes up to 20 Ultra Balls to capture him, and it takes really long to find him.\r
Good Luck and if you have any questions ask down below.\r
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Here is a quick guide on how to catch Suicune, GO to route 14, have a Raichu with Thunder Wave, and a Scizor with False Swipe, paralyze Suicune and Use False Swipe to take him down to 1 HP, and then Keep using Ultra Balls, it usually takes up to 20 Ultra Balls to capture him, and it takes really long to find him.\r
Good Luck and if you have any questions ask down below.\r
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