Pokemon ORAS WiFi Pokemon World Tournament Playlist (NEW) - \r
Second round of the Fire and Ghost League Tournament! Johto Gym Leader Morty will face off against Fantina of the Sinnoh Region.\r
The Pokemon World Tournament is awhere Ill have Gym Leaders, Elite 4 members, Champions, and other Pokemon trainers compete with each other. Similar to the one in Black/White 2.\r
Pokemon World Tournament Info source..\r
Fantina (Game) PWT Team\r
Jellicent, Spiritomb, Dusknoir, Gengar, Dfrifblim, Mismagius.\r
Morty (Game) PWT Team\r
Dusknoir, Froslass, Banette, Chandelure, Mismagius, Gengar.\r
Battle Music - Black & White Elite 4 Remix By GlitchxCity\r
Outro Music - Pokemon X/Y Anistar City Remix by Kamex\r
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Second round of the Fire and Ghost League Tournament! Johto Gym Leader Morty will face off against Fantina of the Sinnoh Region.\r
The Pokemon World Tournament is awhere Ill have Gym Leaders, Elite 4 members, Champions, and other Pokemon trainers compete with each other. Similar to the one in Black/White 2.\r
Pokemon World Tournament Info source..\r
Fantina (Game) PWT Team\r
Jellicent, Spiritomb, Dusknoir, Gengar, Dfrifblim, Mismagius.\r
Morty (Game) PWT Team\r
Dusknoir, Froslass, Banette, Chandelure, Mismagius, Gengar.\r
Battle Music - Black & White Elite 4 Remix By GlitchxCity\r
Outro Music - Pokemon X/Y Anistar City Remix by Kamex\r
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