David Life: What is your counsel?

  • 6 years ago
Do more yoga.

David Life:  You mean collectively as human beings, what should we be doing that we're not? Do more yoga. (Chuckles) It's really the only . . . Yoga is the only hope I have because it's very practical and it works, and I'm seeing it form communities. I think that we're being separated more from each other. In some ways that's calculated by people who don't want people communicating to each other. They find that a threat. So I think we need to connect more in a real way, in a vital way. And I like yoga class 'cause people do that -- they do connect on an essential level vibrationally. And they sing together, and they move together, and so then it creates common ground. You know when I was teaching in Israel it was very interesting. We had . . . we had both Muslim and Jewish people in classes, and in the beginning there was a kind of wall between them that was tangible because everyone came with their agendas intact. And through the process -- through the yogic actions, those walls were broken down. And by the end they were all dancing together and hugging each other because they'd all experienced struggling together to do simple things like bend forward, or twist, or go upside down. And that became their meeting point, their common ground, their common struggle; not their individual differences. And I think that's what we need to do more of. We need to find common ground more. Recorded on: 10/31/07

David Life:  You mean collectively as human beings, what should we be doing that we're not? Do more yoga. (Chuckles) It's really the only . . . Yoga is the only hope I have because it's very practical and it works, and I'm seeing it form communities. I think that we're being separated more from each other. In some ways that's calculated by people who don't want people communicating to each other. They find that a threat. So I think we need to connect more in a real way, in a vital way. And I like yoga class 'cause people do that -- they do connect on an essential level vibrationally. And they sing together, and they move together, and so then it creates common ground. You know when I was teaching in Israel it was very interesting. We had . . . we had both Muslim and Jewish people in classes, and in the beginning there was a kind of wall between them that was tangible because everyone came with their agendas intact. And through the process -- through the yogic actions, those walls were broken down. And by the end they were all dancing together and hugging each other because they'd all experienced struggling together to do simple things like bend forward, or twist, or go upside down. And that became their meeting point, their common ground, their common struggle; not their individual differences. And I think that's what we need to do more of. We need to find common ground more. Recorded on: 10/31/07
