The End of Superpowers?

  • 6 years ago
The 21st century economy will evolve from a U.S.-dominated landscape to a "multiple power" system whose success will hinge on cooperation, not competition.

Question: What makes you optimistic about
the 21st-century

Tse:  You know, as China,
you know, continues to rise and perhaps India and a few other sort of
emerging markets I think we're seeing a redefinition of the global
picture.  I think you know we will
evolve more from a you know single superpower to perhaps multiple power,
not superpower, but sort of multiple power picture where everybody will
see to
work with everyone else in a more closer manner and I believe that
notwithstanding a lot of discussion about you know protectionism and
people who
are trying to protect this and that and so I believe the world will move
towards perhaps a more globalized environment where countries will have
to work
closer together on a similar agenda. 
I think the U.S. will continue to play a major leadership role in
of these major geopolitical issues. 
I will expect countries like China, India, Russia, and of course
many of
the western European powers will also play an important role.  I think a large link to others is, you
know, the growth of the global multinational companies that these
companies will
work across national borders.  They
will do businesses you know in various countries and you know in some
they will have to apply the global processes and systems, but in many
they also need to be very local. 
You know, in places like the U.S. and China and Japan and India
you have
to be very local, so that ability to combine the globalness of companies
well as to become very local is going to be a real challenge of the
multinational companies, but I am very optimistic that you know we're
going to
have quite a number of these companies who can be very successful, can
sort of
develop the right model to take advantage of the globalization that
we'll be
seeing over time.

Question: What makes you optimistic about
the 21st-century

Tse:  You know, as China,
you know, continues to rise and perhaps India and a few other sort of
emerging markets I think we're seeing a redefinition of the global
picture.  I think you know we will
evolve more from a you know single superpower to perhaps multiple power,
not superpower, but sort of multiple power picture where everybody will
see to
work with everyone else in a more closer manner and I believe that
notwithstanding a lot of discussion about you know protectionism and
people who
are trying to protect this and that and so I believe the world will move
towards perhaps a more globalized environment where countries will have
to work
closer together on a similar agenda. 
I think the U.S. will continue to play a major leadership role in
of these major geopolitical issues. 
I will expect countries like China, India, Russia, and of course
many of
the western European powers will also play an important role.  I think a large link to others is, you
know, the growth of the global multinational companies that these
companies will
work across national borders.  They
will do businesses you know in various countries and you know in some
they will have to apply the global processes and systems, but in many
they also need to be very local. 
You know, in places like the U.S. and China and Japan and India
you have
to be very local, so that ability to combine the globalness of companies
well as to become very local is going to be a real challenge of the
multinational companies, but I am very optimistic that you know we're
going to
have quite a number of these companies who can be very successful, can
sort of
develop the right model to take advantage of the globalization that
we'll be
seeing over time.
