How can Saturday Night Live stay relevant?

  • 6 years ago
Comedy is ultimately a subjective thing, Huebel says.

Question: How can Saturday Night Live stay relevant?
Rob Huebel: I always have, like, the utmost respect for SNL, like, you know, people will sometimes take shots at them but, I mean, I think that's a great show and I feel like the cast right now, they have, like, a smaller, tighter cast and it's actually, like, I really feel like one of the strongest casts that they've had in a long time. You know, I always feel like, if people aren't catching that show every week, it's only because there might be a perception that, like, oh, this is this legendary show and people may feel like, oh, they'll catch it whenever. I feel like some of that is due to, like, what we were talking about, the changing nature of how people are finding stuff, you know? People watch stuff on the internet and stuff like that but I feel like, right now, that cast is totally strong and solid and, like, pound for pound, that show, like always, makes me laugh. I mean, there's always something funny every week on that show. I think the challenge of doing some stuff on that show is just the fact that it's a live show every week. I mean, that's really hard to do, a live show every week, and people, I think people kind of think, like, that that's not impossible. It is, I'm sure, probably impossible to pull that off. It must be exhausting. So, yeah, I always feel like, you know, but the thing about comedy is that, like, not everything ever hits, you know? I mean, comedy is completely subjective, you know? No one likes every single thing that we do. A lot of people don't like any of the stuff we do, like my mom. My mom hates our show. My mom told me, over Christmas, that she was, like, we were talking and she goes, I said something about our show coming on and my mom was, like, "Uhm... I am thoroughly embarrassed by your show." I was, like, what? She was, like, "I think it's crude and it's vulgar" and it is, I guess it is crude and vulgar but, you know, it's purely subjective. That's the thing with SNL, too, like, you know, people watch that some people will be, like, oh, I didn't get it. It's, like, well, comedy is subjective, like, not everything is going to hit with you but, yeah, that show-- I always feel like that show's got some funny stuff.
Recorded on: 4/1/08

Question: How can Saturday Night Live stay relevant?
Rob Huebel: I always have, like, the utmost respect for SNL, like, you know, people will sometimes take shots at them but, I mean, I think that's a great show and I feel like the cast right now, they have, like, a smaller, tighter cast and it's actually, like, I really feel like one of the strongest casts that they've had in a long time. You know, I always feel like, if people aren't catching that show every week, it's only because there might be a perception that, like, oh, this is this legendary show and people may feel like, oh, they'll catch it whenever. I feel like some of that is due to, like, what we were talking about, the changing nature of how people are finding stuff, you know? People watch stuff on the internet and stuff like that but I feel like, right now, that cast is totally strong and solid and, like, pound for pound, that show, like always, makes me laugh. I mean, there's always something funny every week on that show. I think the challenge of doing some stuff on that show is just the fact that it's a live show every week. I mean, that's really hard to do, a live show every week, and people, I think people kind of think, like, that that's not impossible. It is, I'm sure, probably impossible to pull that off. It must be exhausting. So, yeah, I always feel like, you know, but the thing about comedy is that, like, not everything ever hits, you know? I mean, comedy is completely subjective, you know? No one likes every single thing that we do. A lot of people don't like any of the stuff we do, like my mom. My mom hates our show. My mom told me, over Christmas, that she was, like, we were talking and she goes, I said something about our show coming on and my mom was, like, "Uhm... I am thoroughly embarrassed by your show." I was, like, what? She was, like, "I think it's crude and it's vulgar" and it is, I guess it is crude and vulgar but, you know, it's purely subjective. That's the thing with SNL, too, like, you know, people watch that some people will be, like, oh, I didn't get it. It's, like, well, comedy is subjective, like, not everything is going to hit with you but, yeah, that show-- I always feel like that show's got some funny stuff.
Recorded on: 4/1/08
