To Curb Opioid Abuse, This Must Improve Between Surgeons, Docs

  • 6 tahun lalu
Short prescriptions for--and better communication about--post-surgical opioids may reduce opioid addiction. According to UPI, University of Michigan researchers reviewed thousands of medical records. They concluded surgeons and physicians need to work together to stop patients from becoming addicts. A one-day opioid prescription carries a 6% risk of use one year later and a 2.9% risk three years later. Of people given prescriptions for eight or more days, 13.5% continue to use them a year later. For a month-long prescription, the rate climbs to 30%. Dr. Michael Klueh is a professor in the University of Michigan's Department of Surgery. He said, shorter post-surgical opioid prescriptions "would trigger a feedback loop between patient and physician."
