• 6 years ago
This fail-safe recipe for buttery biscuits is a great one for beginners. Memorise the simple 1:2:3 ratio and it'll come in handy whenever you need a batch of biscuits, pronto. They're perfectly lovely plain, and equally scrumptious with additions like cinnamon or chocolate chips - or let the kids loose with icing and sprinkles to decorate.

100g caster sugar
200g butter, softened
300g plain flour

1. Combine the butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth and then add the flour until the mixture forms a ball. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for an hour.
2. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven to 180° and lightly grease a baking tray. Roll out your dough on a floured surface until ½ cm deep. Pick your favourite cutters and go to town until you have no dough left.
3. Bake for approx 10 mins - until golden. Leave to cool on a baking rack.
4. Decorate as you wish.
5. Enjoy!

Handy Hint
While still warm and soft sprinkle with a little sugar and it will stick. Alternatively, press in raisins or smarties to decorate. When cool they can be enjoyed plain or have fun decorating with icing and cake decorations

Also, some vanilla essence, a pinch of cinnamon, a tsp of orange juice or some lemon zest are all optional extras - not all at once though!

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