Chocolate-covered funnel cakes | Martha Collison


by Mumsnet

Martha Collison of Great British Bake Off fame shares a delicious and super-quick recipe for chocolate-covered funnel cakes (like churros, or doughnuts, only easier!). A simple batter means these are ready to fry in minutes: just cook until golden, dunk in sugar and lime zest, then drizzle with Martha’s quick and decadent dark chocolate sauce. Bliss.

Recipe from Martha’s new book, Twist, out now:


1 large egg
1tsp vanilla extract
100ml whole milk
Zest of 2 unwaxed limes
100g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp caster sugar
Pinch of salt
100g caster sugar to dust
Vegetable oil, for frying

150g dark chocolate
100ml double cream
2 tbsp golden syrup

1. First, make the batter. In a small jug, whisk together the egg, milk, vanilla milk and half the lime zest.
2. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, caster sugar and salt. Make a well in the centre before whisking in the wet ingredients, stirring until there are no lumps left - and it looks thick like custard. Pour into a piping bag and set aside.
3. In a small saucepan, heat around 3cm of oil until it sizzles if you sprinkle in a pinch of flour. Check it’s hot enough by sprinkling in a bit of flour - if it sizzles, you’re ready to cook the funnel cakes.
4. Snip the tip off the piping bag. Starting at the edges of the pan, squeeze about a sixth of the batter into the oil, in a random, criss-crossing spiral.
5. Cook for about one to two minutes until the edges start to brown, then flip it over and cook for two minutes more on the other side. It should be an even, golden brown colour on both sides.
6. Remove and cool on kitchen paper then dust with sugar mixed with the remaining lime zest. Repeat the frying process with the remaining mixture.
7. For the chocolate sauce, put the chocolate in a saucepan with the cream and golden syrup. Heat gently, stirring all the time, until all the chocolate has melted. Drizzle over the funnel cakes, or use as a dip. These are best served hot and fresh.

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