• 7 years ago
VIETNAM —The World Dog Alliance is shining a spotlight on the hidden truth of dog meat consumption throughout Asia, especially in Vietnam.

Reportedly more than 80% of the population of Vietnam consumes dog meat, with dogs being killed, burned, and grilled in open areas as well as restaurants.

Some restaurants even emphasize the idea that "eating dog meat can change your fate," with dog meat often being served as a traditional dish.

The dogs are put in tiny cages where they suffer from overheating, hunger and dehydration and are transported to different regions across Vietnam.

Upon arriving at the slaughterhouse, the organization says dogs are force-fed to fatten them up, while dog meat traders hold the dogs down with a clamp while doing so.

Locals even believe that the quality of the dog meat is better if "the dog was miserable before dying."

The high demand of dog meat is a result of the Vietnamese belief that dog meat is "rich in protein" and "eating tough meat meat makes a tough man."

The trade is lucrative in Vietnam because of high profits stemming from high demand.

Dog traders can purchase a dog in Thailand for 5 to 7 US dollars and sell it in Vietnam for 100 US dollars.

However because dog meat is so popular, dog traders often resort to stealing pets, street dogs, or even smuggling dogs in Vietnam or from other neighboring countries for a profit.

This is a very pressing issue regarding the abuse and torture of these canines.

Unfortunately YouTube often chooses to demonetize videos highlighting such atrocities, which ultimately does not help in shining a light on this issue.

The World Dog Alliance claims it is the only organization dedicated to 'explicit legislation against dog meat' worldwide, and says it is working to expose the true nature and cruelty of the dog meat trade across the world.


