Activate Your Sixth Sense:
Using Subliminal messages will directly impact your subconscious mind.
Below is a list of the affirmations used in this video. If for any reason you don't agree with any of these affirmations please do not continue to use this video.
I have a natural exuberance and enthusiasm for life
All day long I am awake, aware, and fully conscious
I am the master of my thoughts and thus the master of my destiny
My thoughts are now flowing in a positive direction
I accept everyone exactly as they are and myself as I am.
I appreciate everyone for being a teacher in my life.
I can always find inner peace in any situation and with any person.
I easily choose peace in the most difficult situations.
Everything in the Universe is always working in perfect harmony.
I love my life and gratefully accept everything that has been given to me
The Universe is always in divine perfection
I am easily able to choose which thoughts I want to think
I am the master of my mind
I have an amazing mind that can imagine and create anything
I am the master of my emotions
I am emotionally at peace with my past, present and future
I am happy and secure just being alive
I am a powerful spiritual being living in a human body.
I am an infinite soul and eternal being that will never die.
My essential nature is easily discovered in this present moment of now.
I allow myself to have a spiritual experience with everyone I meet, and in any place I am at.
The highest energies in the Universe are available to me now.
I can manifest any experience I want.
I know I am not my body, my mind, nor my thoughts, I am the Source of consciousness.
I am always connected to the highest conscious beings in the Universe.
A powerful loving consciousness is what I am.
I see and feel the infinite spirit in all people and places.
I am becoming more spiritual everyday
My sense of purpose is well defined
My life is fulfilled
I am a creative being who is connected to the Infinite
Using Subliminal messages will directly impact your subconscious mind.
Below is a list of the affirmations used in this video. If for any reason you don't agree with any of these affirmations please do not continue to use this video.
I have a natural exuberance and enthusiasm for life
All day long I am awake, aware, and fully conscious
I am the master of my thoughts and thus the master of my destiny
My thoughts are now flowing in a positive direction
I accept everyone exactly as they are and myself as I am.
I appreciate everyone for being a teacher in my life.
I can always find inner peace in any situation and with any person.
I easily choose peace in the most difficult situations.
Everything in the Universe is always working in perfect harmony.
I love my life and gratefully accept everything that has been given to me
The Universe is always in divine perfection
I am easily able to choose which thoughts I want to think
I am the master of my mind
I have an amazing mind that can imagine and create anything
I am the master of my emotions
I am emotionally at peace with my past, present and future
I am happy and secure just being alive
I am a powerful spiritual being living in a human body.
I am an infinite soul and eternal being that will never die.
My essential nature is easily discovered in this present moment of now.
I allow myself to have a spiritual experience with everyone I meet, and in any place I am at.
The highest energies in the Universe are available to me now.
I can manifest any experience I want.
I know I am not my body, my mind, nor my thoughts, I am the Source of consciousness.
I am always connected to the highest conscious beings in the Universe.
A powerful loving consciousness is what I am.
I see and feel the infinite spirit in all people and places.
I am becoming more spiritual everyday
My sense of purpose is well defined
My life is fulfilled
I am a creative being who is connected to the Infinite
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