Hillary Clinton Slams Trump Administration For Using Immigrant Children As 'Political Pawns'

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

Hillary Clinton on Friday criticized the Trump administration during a speech in Dublin.

Hillary Clinton on Friday slammed the Trump administration for "undermining truth and reason" and "perpetrating shameless corruption," reports the Daily Mail.
During her speech at Trinity College Dublin, she also weighed in on the separations of families at the US-Mexico border.
"We are living through an era when fundamental rights, civic virtue, even facts and reason are under assault like never before, and as we have been painfully reminded, the consequences can be severe," Clinton said. "Over the last few weeks, Americans from every political background, ideology and walk of life watched heartbroken and outraged as immigrant families were ripped apart and children were treated cruelly as political pawns."
Amid backlash, President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday "ending his administration's policy of separating migrant children from their parents who were detained as they attempted to enter the U.S. illegally," notes NPR. "It's about keeping families together, while at the same time being sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border and border security will be equal, if not greater than previously," the president told reporters.