Incredible Cern Experiments

  • 6 years ago
Have you ever thought that when did this big universe start actually and how it is made? These are just few to mention. Hundreds of similar questions keep rising to our mind every now and then and we keep wondering the actual answers. Scientists, researchers and physicists are continuously working on that and CERN is one such very renowned organization that probe about the fundamental structure of universe.
CERN, a European organization of Nuclear Research was founded long back in Geneva in 1954 to help us discover all the true facts about the universe. Initially it was started as the Europe’s first joint venture but as of today this organization has 22 member states. Initially scientists at CERN focused on nuclear research such as atom. But with days passing the focus is now moved to particle physics. And this is why this CERN is also referred as the European organization of particle physics as well.
At present the scientists and physicists in CERN are researching about the fundamental structure of universe that is all about the fundamental particles. How the particles interact with each other, their nature etc. is the main study of this research. And this has made the scientists to built two very complex and world’s largest instruments which are particle accelerators and detectors. While accelerators offer higher energies to the particles before they collide with each other the detectors are designed to observe and record the result of the collision.
The main experiments conducted at CERN are explained here in more details.
Large Hadron Collider experiments
Large Hadron collider experiments also known as the LHC experiments are the most talked about one these days and researcher are focusing greatly on this experiments to study the particle physics. LHC has several experiments while seven of them use the detectors to study the particles produced by the collision inspired by the accelerator.

