High-altitude camps are a key part of my season. Together with my BORA-hansgrohe mates, we spend endless hours on the bikes and the gym, following a strict, sci

  • 6 years ago
High-altitude camps are a key part of my season. Together with my BORA-hansgrohe mates, we spend endless hours on the bikes and the gym, following a strict, scientific training program, in order to build our form for the big goals of the year. When weather conditions make riding a bit difficult, we hit the slopes of Sierra Nevada in Spain for some skiing, something that also contributes towards our overall fitness. Enjoy this cool GoPro video as much as I did shooting it.

Sústredenia vo výškach sú pre mňa kľúčové. Spolu s chalanmi z BORA-hansgrohe sme strávili hodiny na biku a v posilňovni. Držali sme sa náročného a odborného tréningového plánu, aby sme sa čo najlepšie pripravili na sezónu. Keď nám počasie na bicykli moc neprialo, brázdili sme na lyžiach svahy Sierra Nevady, čím sme si udržiavali celkovú formu. Pozrite si toto GoPro video, pri jeho natáčaní sme sa riadne pobavili.


