Child Psychology

  • 6 years ago
The broadened scope of psychology which includes not only kids but adults and aged as well, known as developmental psychology.
The process of aging has certain effects on human brain and its behavior.
While aging is usually used in reference to aged people, it is a process that starts even before the birth of a child.
The growth first takes place in the womb, from an egg to a baby.
While after the birth, more complex development takes place.
With regular exposure to society and environment, the kids start picking up on things that people do around them, the way that people behave around them.
The way people move, the way they talk etc.
These are the initial things that a kid learns from home, from family, from society and even from initial schooling.
While we all know that school is the source of a lot of knowledge that a child holds, it also is the source of behavioral skills, speaking manner, habits etc that a kid has.
After the family, school is the second most time-consuming exposure that a kid has in early childhood.
While the family does play a crucial part in the development of a child, so does a school.
The crowd of the school decides a lot of factors about a child.
As it is said that a kid is like wet clay, that can be shaped in whatever way, but stays that way once grows up.
Which is why the selection of schools, selection of teachers is a critical choice and is the key to a healthy childhood.
Even cognitive skills are highly affected by the environment in which a kid grows up.
The creativity of a child’s mind depends on the crowd that a kid has around.
If the creativity is not appreciated and encouraged, the growth might not take place properly.
Along with perspective skills, which means that one’s perception affects their kid’s perception.
When it comes to physical skills environment does have a role but so does diet, genetics and geographical location.
When it comes to diet one thing must be kept in mind that nutrition of a child is of great magnitude.
While physical growth is evidently on the stake of good diet, so is cognitive.
A mind required proper nutrition to grow.
Without that, a mind can grow lethargic and many consequences will follow.
Location is also of importance, the gravitational force, as well as the climate, has its own effects whenit comes to physical growth.
The factors affecting it doesn’t end yet, one of the main factors is still remaining and that factor is genetics.

