Australia sente kontente atu ajuda selebra tinan 16 JSMP nian iha tinan ne’e. Desde JSMP harii depoisde independénsia Timor-Leste, ami sente orgulu tebes atu su

  • há 6 anos
Australia sente kontente atu ajuda selebra tinan 16 JSMP nian iha tinan ne’e. Desde JSMP harii depoisde independénsia Timor-Leste, ami sente orgulu tebes atu suporta ita boot sira nia misaun – nebe ‘servisu atu garantia justisa ba ema hotu-hotu’. Favór tag kolega ne’ebé servisu ou voluntáriu hamutuk ona ho JSMP Timor-Leste!
Australia was happy to help celebrate Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisiál (JSMP)'s 16th birthday this year. From JSMP's establishment at Timor-Leste's independence, we've been proud to support your mission - 'working to guarantee justice for all'. Tag a friend who has worked or volunteered at JSMP Timor-Leste!