Moshupa-Manyana UDC star rally which was scheduled to start around 15:30 hrs this afternoon is yet to pull a crowd.At least by the time the BDP rally ended at

  • 6 years ago
Moshupa-Manyana UDC star rally which was scheduled to start around 15:30 hrs this afternoon is yet to pull a crowd.
At least by the time the BDP rally ended at 17:30, a few members were gathered around a tree with no sign of Speakers of the day, Dumelang Saleshando.
"I've been told Boko would not attend, Pilane is not well and Saleshando is the one who is expected to make it to the rally," UDC candidate, Tshepang Sethono stated.
Although Sethono sounded discouraged, other party members said the rally will be successful, despite the late start.