You'r NOT Crazy After All! BIZARRE Emotions Proven By Science

  • 6 years ago
Emotions, there is a whole spectrum! and we may be able to control them, but not often fake them! From smelling a memory, to predicting the future, here are the Most BIZARRE Emotions & feelings proven by science. If you want science to back up that you are not going crazy, like us and subscribe! And in the comments, share what are some of the tricks you use to control your emotions

#7 Negative Emotions Are Great For Your Health
#6 Hard To Fake It!
#5 Sarcasm To The Rescue!
In many cultures around the world being sarcastic is perceived as being impolite and its frowned upon. If you tried to talk to your parents in a tone that was less than the expected one, I am sure some sort of punishment would have been applied to the full extent of the law of the house. According to research, being such a “smarty pants” or being exposed to it, may make you increase your creativity as well as your problem-solving skills, basically is a sign of higher intelligence. This is what happens. When you are being very straight forward, the process of being clear and concise in your communication is a much simpler task that responding sarcastically. So, when your smarty pants are on, you must really listen to what is being said, analyze where they are coming from and make a remark. The simplest one of all? its “yea, right.” Yes, I am sure you have used it at one point or another in your life!
#4 Smelling Back That Memory
Have you ever woken up on a cold morning and the smell of coffee hovers in the air and maybe even a fait smell of an apple pie recently baked hits your senses bringing you back to a time when gathering with family and running outside as a child all floods you with emotions of that memory and for a split second you are transported to that moment as if time stood still… Just like sound can trigger memories that produce an emotion, the other senses can too but actually the most powerful of the senses when it comes to the emotional center of the brain is actually the sense of smell. according to research, the reason why the olfactory sense is the strongest is due to how our brain is wired and how it processes events to be stored as memories...
#3 Yes, They Have Feelings Too!!
This is not a spill form an animal shelter or a sad commercial urging you to donate money for a worthy cause. But do you remember as a kid reading books about little bunnys or baby deer and how they felt about losing their mom? Or, I am sure you have come across a story or seen a video of a pet who was so sad after the loss of this or her owner that the critter stopped eating at all!! On the wilder side
#2 Who Rules The Moral Compass?
#1 Being Emotionally Predictive!

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