[ISSUE TALK] Pompeo departs North Korea with little to show for his efforts...what next?

  • 6 years ago
종전선언, 북미의 서로 다른 셈법 - 봉영식 박사 대담

Joining us in the studio today we have Dr. Bong Young-shik from the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies. It's great to have you back with us.

My pleasure.

1 - Pompeo has said the talks were productive and that progress has been made. But North Korean state media has given a very different picture. Can you give us your reaction to the events of this weekend?

2 - The North Korean state media report specifically talks about establishing a peace regime on the Korean peninsula, and how that was agreed at the Singapore summit. But the report says it was never brought up in the meeting. It seems to suggest that a declaration to end the Korean War is needed first, for denuclearization talks to start. Is that what they are trying to say?

2a - Where does that end?

3 - North Korea seems to have left a door open to future negotiations however. The report was very complimentary of Trump and even said at the end, quote, "We still cherish our good faith in President Trump." Why has North Korea left this door open? Is this just a hardball strategy they are employing? (Which wouldn't come as a surprise for most North Korea watchers...)

4 - Where does the U.S. go from here? Further working level talks were agreed, do you have hopes that they will go well?

5 - Pompeo arrived in Vietnam on Sunday, where speaking at a U.S.-Vietnam business forum, he called on North Korea to look at the example of Vietnam and how cooperation with the U.S. has led to economic prosperity. He told to, quote, "seize the moment" and that the "miracle" could also be theirs. The U.S. seems to be dangling the economic 'carrot' in front of North Korea. Will Kim Jong-un bite?

6 - One thing we expected from the talks was perhaps the return of the remains of the U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War. How bad a sign is it that did not happen? Why is it taking so long?

6a - Pompeo also said as he left Pyongyang, "The North Koreans also confirmed the missile engine testing facility, we talked about what the modalities would look like for the destruction of that facility." Does that statement strike you as quite a weak statement?

7 - To many North Korea watchers, Pyongyang's actions do not come as much of a surprise. Do you think North Korea has any real intention to denuclearize? Or is this just history repeating itself? How suspicious should we be?


