Touching moment schoolgirl, 8, battles through rain storm to do her homework

  • 6 years ago
This is the touching moment a young girl struggles to do her homework - pulling a coat over her head to shelter from the rain.

Eight-year-old Lorensalie Elaine Dolfo was seen outside an apartment block in Manila, Philippines, last Friday morning at 7am.

Her mother Ellen, 40, and sister Alexandra, four, were sleeping next to the boiler room building having recently been made homeless when bread-winner father and husband, Jerry, 42, became sick.

But despite the unfortunate circumstances, Elaine was still determined to finish her school work - even battling on through the monsoon season storm.

The strong wind kept blowing the pages of her book around and the rain was soaking her - but Elaine huddled closer over the page while writing with her pencil. She pulled a coat over her head to stop the water damaging her schoolbook.

Elaine told passer-by Rolando Villanueva that she wanted to be top of her class and get a good job to help her family.

Elaine said: ''I want to finish my homework and do well at school. Then I can have a good job and take care of myself and my family. I need to finish the work for the teacher.''

Elaine's father, Jerry, is a tricycle taxi driver but had fallen ill and been unable to work. The family was then kicked out of their rented home a few days before the video was made.

Rolando said the little girl was an ''inspiration''. He said: ''This is something that I will show my children so they remember how important it is to take school seriously. Everyone should remember how fortunate they are to have a good education.''


