DisruptEDtv 206 Upstanding Students with George Guy

  • 6 years ago
George Guy Jr. currently serves as principal of the Rosa International Middle School in Cherry
Hill, NJ. George is entering his twenty first year in education. He has served in urban, rural and
suburban districts in central and southern New Jersey.

For the last four years, George has served on Cherry Hill’s Cultural Proficiency/Equity
Committee. This committee has been charged with using Cultural Proficiency to address
inequitable educational outcomes that continue to fuel achievement gaps. George has helped the
district with development and delivery of a standardized curriculum addressing potential barriers
to implementation of Culturally Proficient practices in classrooms. George has also helped
Cherry Hill by drafting hiring questions that attempt to gauge potential applicant’s knowledge
related to Culturally Responsive Teaching. Finally, George has developed Equity awareness
workshops for new teachers within the Cherry Hill School district.

George has presented about some form of Cultural Proficiency and/or Equity for the Corwin
Cultural Proficiency Institute in Howard County, MD, at Lehigh University and at the University
of Pennsylvania.

George’s presentations also focus on ESL/ELL issues, achievement gaps, educational equity &
access, Response to Intervention (RTI), Intervention and Referral Services, and special education

Currently, he is a co-presenter for the New Jersey Leadership Academy which is sponsored by
the New Jersey Principal’s and Supervisors Association (NJPSA). At FEA/NJPSA he is also a
consultant, part of the Speakers Bureau, and teaches two courses on school climate & culture in
the NJEXCEL program. All of his work at FEA/NJPSA focuses on “equity”.

George is a graduate of the HBCU-Prairie View A&M University (TX). He holds masters’
degrees from New Brunswick Theology Seminary and Rowan University. George has been
happily married to Inna Rae for the last twenty-one years. Their two boys, George and Joshua,
are at Rowan College at Gloucester and in the 10 th grade at Sterling High School.


