5 Tips to Slow Hair Loss

  • 6 years ago
5 Tips to Slow Hair Loss Unfortunately, nothing is going to help your
thinning hair grow back to its former glory,
but these 5 tips can prolong the inevitable. 1. Meditation and exercise Stress causes hair follicles to stop growing.
It also releases the hormone cortisol, which messes with other hormones in your body. Alleviating stress will slow the process. 2. Rogaine The topical medication, which is FDA approved, helps to deliver more
oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles. 3. Lasers According to a 2014 study,
published in the 'American
Journal of Clinical Dermatology,' men who underwent laser therapy three times a week had an increase in hair density after about 4 months. 4. Ketoconazole shampoo This type of shampoo is an anti-androgen,
which helps to block the conversion of
testosterone to dihydrotestosterone,
a hormone that shrinks hair follicles. 5. Vitamin D Those with alopecia areata are three times
more likely to be Vitamin D deficient
than those with healthy hair. But don't try to get
your Vitamin D from the sun,
as this could cause more problems. Instead, eat Vitamin D-rich foods such as, salmon, tuna, milk and orange juice.
