Best ebook Security Management for Sports and Special Events For Kindle

  • 6 years ago
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This title offers detailed guidance in improving the quality, and responsiveness of security protocols within venues and their facilities. Though spectator and player security has always been a priority for sport and facility managers at all levels, large-scale threats such as terrorism or natural disasters have become even more critical management concerns. Proactive sport and facility managers understand the role they must take in working with local law enforcement, contracted security personnel and their own employees to adequately plan for and respond to threats, both man-made and natural. Unlike traditional risk management books that present guidelines to promote safety and discourage litigation in sport and recreation settings, this book deals specifically with natural disasters, terrorism, crowd control problems and other large-scale threats. Publicity of this title is through UK and European management magazines including "Leisure Opportunities", and mailing is to management lecturers and professionals. It is featured in Human Kinetics monthly "Academic E-Newsletter" sent to over 8,000 subscribers.
