New Releases Teaching the Video Production Class: Beyond The Morning Newscast Unlimited

  • 6 years ago
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Teaching a television production class is a real challenge, especially when working with the typical budget and time limitations of most elementary, middle, or high school curricula. Beyond the technical aspects of teaching this subject, what is the best way to keep students engaged and challenged while teaching them skills that will help make them college and career ready? Spanning lesson plans, video production activities, assessment, and more, this book supplies a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to teaching a television production class, using whatever equipment is readily available. It focuses on the critical aspects of hoW to teach television production and organize lessons, rather than the quickly evolving details of what equipment or editing software to use. The authors also provide lessons on creating and executing a daily newscast show, how to evaluate that show and collect school-wide data for further evaluation and improvement, and how to archive and mount these productions on the school website.
