Popular Book How to get proofreading jobs online from book publishers Unlimited acces Best

  • 6 years ago
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How to get proofreading jobs online from book publishers.If you are a meticulous person and a good speller there?s profitable work waiting for you as a proofreader. You can do your proofreading work at home. A professional freelance proofreader gets paid to find errors in all kinds of documents, magazines, websites, blogs, catalogues, sports programmes, concert programmes, software programs, instruction manuals, safety procedures, business tenders, building proposals, university theses, PowerPoint presentations, product packaging, signage, political campaign material, speeches. The list is almost endless. You decide whether you will work two hours a week or eight hours most days. That means YOU decide how much income you want to earn each week.You don?t need to work every day. Skip over the days you visit Granny, or teach remedial reading, play golf, or have coffee with your friends. You can pick which jobs you?ll accept, and say ?No, thanks?? to the jobs you don?t want. YOU decide how much income you want to earn each week.Where you live doesn?t matter. Working on the Internet is universal. Your state of health doesn?t matter. ?Can you do this proofreading job??? is the only serious question. "Do you have a working knowledge of (subject)?" is the follow-up question.?Are you a good speller who also knows correct grammar??? is what publishers want to know. If that scenario appeals to you, please read on. There are 28 relatively simple steps in this ?getting proofreading work? process. Some work comes to you on paper and some is emailed. Or you check websites, blogs etc online.The best part is - YOU decide how much income you want to earn each week.The whole procedure from what you do TODAY to receiving payment can take a month or so. That?s why it?s best to start today. [These 28 steps are the same process I teach students in my diploma level proofreading course.] I suggest they begin the ?getting proofreading jobs? process BEFORE they graduate, so there will be seeds planted and work offers germinating for them by the time they have their diploma in proofreading. I recommend you do the same.People often ask "Where is all the work for proofreaders?"Firstly, a quality book might have 5 different proofreaders checking it. Not just one.Remember, publishing new ebooks is a $3 BILLION per year industry. And it is growing rapidly. There s PLENTY of work for qualified proofreaders.PS> you won t get much competition from kids under 25 who haven t been taught to spell in school, and who don t care. TXTing is the only language they learn. Bonus: you ll learn all kinds of new things when you re asked to proofread a document. That s what makes it fun.But it is still work. That s why you get paid.Your boss doesn t decide how much income you ll earn each week. YOU DO!Publishers like older people because they know they are reliable, they respect deadlines and they don t gossip about the manuscripts they are reading. Finally, this is gentle work you can do at home. It will keep your brain nimble. And if you earn an extra $250 for five hours work, who is to complain?
