Best seller Promises Made E-book

  • 6 years ago
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At 8 years of age, Brandon Leshing played a prank on his friends, including his best friend Louie Buccelli. The prank has devastating results when Louie falls into a trap breaking his back which leaves him paralyzed. Brandon promises to make things right with Louie. He promises to fix-it but Louie passes away before Brandon can help. Brandon s life is never the same. He gives up friends, parties, relationships, love, as he is determined to become a neurosurgeon and find a cure for paralysis. Gina Stroit is 18 years old when her father Ted falls five stories while on a construction site. Ted, a widower, is a big, strong man who has taken care of his daughter all of her life. He becomes distraught when he comes home from the hospital needing Gina to now care for him. In Ted s mind his daughter will never be able to live a life of her own as long as he is alive. Ted asks Gina to promise that given the chance, she will not turn her back on love. Life is too hard to go through alone. While working at a hospital Gina becomes involved with a man who truly loves her. But when Gina reads about Dr. Brandon Leshing on the WEB she feels an irresistible urge come over her. She is torn between keeping her promise to her father and remaining with the man who loves her, and giving up everything to meet Brandon, a man who doesn t have time for love or relationships. It isn t long before Gina feels as though she has betrayed her father.
