A drama comedy film directed by Rakesh R, starring Aishwarya Dutta and Dhruvaa in the lead roles.
Cast: Aishwarya Dutta, Dhruvaa, Arul Dass, Mime Gopi, Radha Ravi, Saranya Ponvannan and
Manobala Mahadevan
Crew: Rakesh R (Director), Achu Rajamani (Music Director)
Rating: U/A (India)
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Release Dates: 27 Jul 2018 (India)
Tamil Name: மறைந்திருந்து பார்க்கும் மர்மம் என்ன
Cast: Aishwarya Dutta, Dhruvaa, Arul Dass, Mime Gopi, Radha Ravi, Saranya Ponvannan and
Manobala Mahadevan
Crew: Rakesh R (Director), Achu Rajamani (Music Director)
Rating: U/A (India)
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Release Dates: 27 Jul 2018 (India)
Tamil Name: மறைந்திருந்து பார்க்கும் மர்மம் என்ன