Best seller Nonprofit Management: Everything You Need to Know about Managing Your Organization

  • 6 years ago
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According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, more than 1.4 million nonprofit organizations are in existence in the United States alone. These organizations vary in their fields of interest, ranging from charity and religion to health, science, literature, wildlife protection, and the arts. While the areas of focus may differ, one thing applies to each and every organization: The challenges of running a nonprofit are far reaching and incredibly unique. Nonprofit Management: Everything You Need to Know About Managing Your Organization Explained Simply will help you understand these challenges and offer you ways to overcome them. In this new book you will learn how to create a plan, how to fund a mission, how to recruit and keep volunteers, how to create and stick to a budget, how to form effective community coalitions, how to set and achieve goals, how to perform SWOT analyses, and how to assess client needs. You will also learn about performance measurement tools, taxes, policies, management theories, accounting, public and government relations, insurance, meetings, fundraising, educational programs, sponsorship programs, record keeping and reporting requirements, legal requirements, consultants, lobbying, and ethics. Also included are strategies for dealing with the board of directors, committees, conflicts of interest, and hiring, firing, and other personnel management issues. This book will show you how to overcome common obstacles, such as founder s syndrome, poor meeting attendance, poor fundraising, and rapid staff turnover. You will also be provided with real world examples and case studies that demonstrate both effective and ineffective management strategies. The companion CD-ROM contains proven worksheets, checklists, and tables to aid in your nonprofit management strategy. Whether you are a charitable, advocacy, membership, social, recreational, or satellite organization, Nonprofit Management: Everything You Need to Know About Managing Your O
