Best seller The Wealthy Barber Full

  • 6 years ago
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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 1997-11-1 Pages: 211 Publisher: Random House quite simply the best financial self-helpbook .-- Money Book Club. Book-of-the-Month ClubIn this newand updated edition of one of... the biggest-sellingfinancial-planning books ever. David Chilton simplifies the complexpuzzles of personal finance and helps you achieve financialindependence. With the help of his fictional barber. Roy. and alarge dose of humor. Chilton shows you how to take control of yourfinancial future- -slowly. steadily. and with sure success.Chiltons plan (detailed in an entertaining story) is noget-rich-quick scheme. but it does make financial independencepossible on nothing more than an average salary.This third edition has been updated with assistance from the ArthurAndersen Corporation. and covers the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997and other recent developments.Even if you ...
