New Releases Survival Skills You Cannot Live Without Any Format

  • 6 years ago
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Preface Building a Shelter Finding Water and Food Defending Yourself Signaling for Help Know How to Start a Fire Finding Your Direction Learn Basic First Aid Have the Right Attitude Practicing Good Hygiene Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Preface Have you ever imagined what you would do if a boat you were traveling in started sinking? And think of what would happen when traveling in a desert and your car suddenly breaks down with no help around? Knowing just the essential survival skills could define your chances of living to tell your tale another day. Otherwise, you could be doomed. You might think someone would possibly come your way to save you. But remember, luck is no different from having your life hanging by a rotten thread. Of course, help may come, but sometimes, way too late. People who make it out of a survival situation are driven by something every time - to see their kids or wife again, etc. But no matter how hard you might try, if you do not know what it takes to survive times like these, you will realize how mean Mother Nature can be. In this book, you will discover the most important survival skills you must know. It does not matter who you are or what you do, we are all equally in danger of finding ourselves in situations that might force us out of our comfort zone.
