EBOOK Reader Financial Engineering: The Evolution of a Profession (Robert W. Kolb Series)

  • 6 years ago
Clik here http://onlineebook.xyz/?book=0470455810
Language:Chinese.HardCover. Pub Date: 2010-11-1 Pages: 595 Publisher: Wiley The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive view offinancial engineering by describing the current state of financialresearch and practices. including timeless techniques There willbe a focus on the future. of financial engineering and a discussionof several techniques that were created to exploit specificopportunities as they developed. The book is intended for seniormanagers. board members. regulators. finance professionals. as wellas advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The book isseparated into four parts. The first part maps out a timeline offinancial engineering. detailing the history of this topic and itsdifferent players. developments and products. The second partsdetails each market. from fixed income. equity and derivatives toforeign exchange and securitized and structur...
