Mike Cernovich Turns Toward Comedians After Gunn Ouster

  • 6 years ago

SF Gate reports that Mike Cernovich seems to be turning his attention to Patton Oswalt and Michael Ian Black. The Right-wing provocateur's online amplification of offensive tweets published years ago by director James Gunn preceded Gunn’s ouster from the “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie franchise on Friday. Cernovich highlighted tweets by the comedians that he took issue with. One tweet shared by Cernovich on Friday night, posted by Black in June 2011, read, “I don’t like watching ‘iCarly’ with my daughter because there is nobody on that show I want to molest."
Cernovich commented on another tweet from Black in 2011 on Friday with, “Tired of the pedophile stuff, tired of the child rape. If these are truly jokes, repent to G-d.”