Digital book Get it Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day Unlimited

  • 6 years ago
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Everyone has said it: if I only had more xxx, I could get this project completed (or make more money; start my business; write a novel; record a song). But instead of focusing on the project, we procrastinate. Everyone has 24 hours in each day, yet some people find ways to write bestsellers, create amazing art, design dresses, or start a new business. According to Samantha Bennett, what those who finish projects have that others don t is creative genius, which consists of clarity, motivation, and the ability to get past their own demons to get their work out there. Her clever approach includes explanations and ways to override the "getting ready to get ready" syndrome; making "could do lists" (instead of "to-do") to allow yourself the option of saying no and dreaming big; and the "pure preference" worksheet to decide which project to pursue, a.k.a., "you can t chase two bunnies." And, it only takes 15 minutes a day to build those skills. Creative people aren t necessarily motivated by money or other trappings of success and they don t need their creativity unleashed. In fact, according to Samantha Bennett, most are already "unleashed" enough. What creative people need are not more platitudes or encouragement but effective tools for overcoming the procrastination and lack of focus that hobble them. Sam, herself an actor and comedienne, knows first-hand how these frustrations suck up energy, and she offers field-tested tools to get beyond them and stay in the creative zone. Artists not only have projects they want to start, focus on, and bring to light; they are also parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, church-goers, movie-renters, coffee-drinkers, vacationers, business owners, and much more. Which is why it is so important for them to take advantage of the strategies found in "Get It Done" and put an end to the "But-I-work-eight-hours-a-day-how-can-I-ever-finish-my-novel-screenplay- painting-business-plan?" excuse. Each chapter features compelling (and often funny) real
