Favorit Book The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising

  • 6 years ago
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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 2006-12-1 Pages: 338 Publisher: Wiley Copywriting Training Manual Introduction: good copy is the heart and soul of the advertising industry. both for print. television. radio. or any other media in terms of . In this Copywriting Training Manual. the legendary copy writer. advertising Joseph Sugarman provides proven guidance and expert advice. to tell us how to write lure consumers to encourage consumers and eventually encourage them to buy copy of the product. Sugarman takes the reader to enjoy the entire copy of the writing process - from the beginning to prepare research products and markets. to the ideas put pen to paper written. and then finally they are polished into gleaming works. He explained the main copywriter who created wonderful Gang Su. explores the emotional incentive to encourage consumers to buy. Sugarman gave you all th...
