Best ebook Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care For Kindle

  • 6 years ago
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Paperback. Pub Date: 2008. Pages: 344 in Publisher: Da Capo Press Inc. A groundeaking narrative investigation of childbirth in the age of machines. Malpractice and managed care. Pushed presents the complete picture of maternity care in America From inside the operating room of a hospital with a 44% Cesarean rate to the living room floor of a woman who gives birth with an illegal midwife. Block exposes a system in which few women have an optimal experience. Pushed surveys the public health impact of routine labor inductions . C-sections. and epidurals. but also examines childbirth as a womens rights issue: Do women even have the right to choose a normal birth Is that right being upheld A wake-up call for our times. Blocks gripping research reveals that while emergency obstetric care is essential. we are overusing medical technology at the expense of maternal and infant health.
