Digital book Profit from the Core: A Return to Growth in Turbulent Times Unlimited acces Best

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Language:Chinese.HardCover. Pub Date: 2010-1-1 Pages: 178 Publisher: Perseus When Profit from the Core was published in 2001. it became aninternational bestseller. helping hundreds of companies find theirway back to profitable growth after the bursting of the Internetbubble The 2007. global financial meltdown reaffirmed the perils ofpursuing heady growth through untested strategies. as firms inindustries from finance to retailing to automobiles strayed too farfrom their core businesses and suffered the consequences. In this updated edition of Profit from the Core. authors ChrisZook and James Allen showthat a renewed focus on the core is morecritical than ever as firms seek to rebuild their competitiveadvantage coming out of the downturn-and that a strong core will bethe foundation for successful expansion as the economy recovers.Based on more than ten years of Bain Company r...