Best seller Introduction to Veterinary Genetics Full

  • 6 years ago
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A clear understanding of genetics is fundamental to learning about animal disease and improvement. In this introductory, up to date, overview of the subject, a general introduction to basic genetics and molecular genetics is followed by chapters on single-gene disorders, chromosomal aberrations, immunogenetics, pharmacogenetics, parasites and pathogens, and control of inherited disorders. The final chapters cover inbreeding and conservation biology, quantitative variation and heritability, breed structure, selection, crossing, and the implications of biotechnology. The book capitalizes on the explosion of knowledge in molecular genetics, showing how this knowledge is creating a revolution in gene mapping, in the diagnosis and control of inherited diseases, and in the identification of genes. A feature of the book is a list of single-gene disorders in domestic animals, including the molecular basis of all disorders for which the causal mutation has been determined at the DNA level. There are also lists of multifactorial disorders and chromosomal aberrations. Since knowledge about inherited disorders is continually expanding, the lists are maintained in a database, which is continually updated. Readers of the book are provided with instructions for obtaining free electronic access to this database.
