Major heat wave sticks around _ 072618

  • 6 years ago
Good morning. It's going to be another steamy day under mostly sunny skies.

It will be hotter in Seoul with an expected high of 35 degrees Celsius. Daegu and Gyeongju will continue to have unbearable heat at 38 degrees.

The hottest summer on the Korean Peninsula was back in 1994, and this summer is getting close to reach that level. But back then, typhoons in August helped to cool things down even though August is normally the hottest month of the year. However, back in 2016, we had no typhoon in the summer and it was very hot in August, so if the current weather pattern holds, next month could be really harsh as well.

On that note, the 12th typhoon of the season, Jongdari, will move northwards and pass near Dokdo Island next Monday and it might bring some relief from the ongoing heat.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

South Korea is sweltering again, but many parts of North Korea will have some welcome rain.

What a tough summer for Japan. Typhoon Jongdari is still well to the south of mainland Japan... but it might bring heavy rain and strong winds starting Friday.

In Wellington, morning clouds could bring showers before a mostly sunny afternoon.
An excessive heat warning is in effect in LA until Friday, so beware.

As for South America, Brazil's two biggest cities will have similar weather conditions.

Parts of Britain could sizzle in 36 degree heat on Thursday on what is likely to be the hottest July day on record.

And lastly to Africa, Cairo will be sweltering in highs similar to Daegu in South Korea at 38 degrees.

That's the weather update for now.
