Best seller JAEPL: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Volume 20

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JAEPL Volume 20 Winter 2014-2015 - THE JOURNAL OF THE ASSEMBLY FOR EXPANDED PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING, JAEPL, provides a forum to encourage research, theory, and classroom practices involving expanded concepts of language. It contributes to a sense of community in which scholars and educators from pre-school through the university exchange points of view and cutting-edge approaches to teaching and learning. JAEPL is especially interested in helping those teachers who experiment with new strategies for learning to share their practices and confirm their validity through publication in professional journals. - CONTENTS OF VOLUME 20: Libby Falk Jones, "Paisesong: One (Worn) Path through AEPL" - Alice Brand, "Twenty Years: Reflections and Questions" - Tom Gage, "Hitchhiking the Labyrinth" - Susan Schiller, "The Dance of Spirit in AEPL" - Kristy Fleckenstein, "Stepping Beyond, In, and With JAEPL: Twenty Years of Hope" - Paul Heilker"Coming to Nonviolence" - Beth Daniell, "To the Contrary" - John Creger, "The Personal Creed Project: Portal to Deepened Learning" - Jessica Jones, " Put Your Ear Close to the Whispering Branch... Deep Listening in the English Classroom" - OUT OF THE BOX: Laurence Musgrove & Myra Musgrove, "Drawing Is Learning" - BOOK REVIEWS: Judy Halden-Sullivan, "Embracing the Beginner s Mind " - Elizabeth French reviews "Richardson, Scott. eleMENtary School-(Hyper) Masculinity in a Feminized Context - Brad Lucas reviews Ryden, Wendy and Ian Marshall. Reading, Writing, and the Rhetorics of Whiteness - Candace Walworth reviews Kroll, Barry. The Open Hand: Arguing as an Art of Peace - Caleb Corkery reviews Conway, Jeremiah. The Alchemy of Teaching: The Transformation of Lives - CONNECTING: Helen Walker, "Widening Circles" - Wanda Njoya"Miracles Happen" - Ann Wachira, "Using a Model" - David Bedsole, "To the Dog Next Door Who Barks All Day" - W. Keith Duffy, "Aisle Four: Ice Cream, TV Dinners, Humility" - Contributors Bios"
